Friday, November 7, 2008

A mini-update

And of course we got here about a month ago. Four days after our arrival my sister went into labor with her 3rd baby. We were all so anxious because we didn't know if it was a boy or girl.... here was what we found out later that night...
Laci-Kay Marie
7 pounds 12 ou
Just as beautiful as can be....
And here are some of the pictures from the first few weeks we were here... they are not in order but you get the idea...
My Dad and Chris were here for the birth of the baby so we got to celebrate Dad's birthday while he was here... Celebrating Dad (Grandpa Lee's) Birthday Scott and Richard at Boyscouts
Deb, Abby and Laci-Kay Kate and Riley getting in on the snuggle activity
Abby got to come up for the weekend! It was great to see her and for her to see the baby!
These pictures are from the hospital...
One day old!
Proud Grandma Chris
Me and my sis... it was a long and beautiful night! This was taken around 3am... not bad for three am huh?
Minutes old!
Miss Dani thinks Abby is the best
And we do too! :)


Mitchell 5 Family said...

Congratulations "Aunt Judy"!! She is beautiful. It's so great to see you all in pictures!!

Anonymous said...

She is just amazing! Love all the pics.