Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ms. C and her lovely Family

I met Ms. C nearly a year ago when I decided it was time to start taking better care of myself. She is the Leader of the Lakenheath TOPS group. (TOPS stands for Taking off the Pounds Sensibly) She asked that I take these pictures in honor of her losing 100 pounds! I have never met someone with such dedication to a cause. Each Monday evening I would look forward to hearing about her weekly endeavours at the gym and at home with her food choices. I am so proud of the progress she has made! I really feel as if you can see her confidence in these photos. Ms. C has such a beautiful family and has made the important choice to take care of herself so she can enjoy them for so many years to come. I'm so very proud of you and am going to miss you.

We are Here!

I can't believe how long it has been since I have been on here. Though I do have an excuse. In the past three weeks we have moved to another country (back to the great US of A), unpacked our house (in the beautiful city of Boise, ID), had a birth in the family (my sister, who I now live across the street from, had a beautiful baby girl), had my parents come for a visit (they drove all the way from West Virginia) and had Abby fly up for the weekend (from Wyoming.) So... you can see why the BLOG has been what some might say... neglected. Buy I'm back and behind all at the same time. And as much as I want to share lots of photos of happenings here, I first want to update my last two customers who didn't make it on my BLOG before they packed up my computer and sent it on it's way.... :) Thanks Christine and Nickie for you patience!