Friday, November 21, 2008

A teary windy house of nails...

Several things happened today. We had this huge windstorm that came from nowhere... and it also happened to be recycling/trash day. So the good news was that trash had already been picked up. The bad -- the recycling had not. So our street was lined with knocked over trash cans and tons of last weeks flyers spiraling through the air. So sweet Uncle Richard went out to try and pick his contribution to the mess. Only, the wind had not died down and so it was a bit of a losing battle. And by this point the kinder has seen what he was up to and quickly turned it into a game of "grab the trash." It was a comical sight to see little Miss Dani running down the street trying to get his piece of paper that was perpetually out of her reach... comical enough I felt the need to get out my camera...
And after the recycling storm I took Kate to get her nails done... why you ask? Because she has her first school dance tomorrow. How, you ask, does this mommy feel about that? Well when she came home last week all giddy and excited and announced the upcoming dance I cried. It was just a wetting of the eyes and she didn't even see...but her announcement and her excitement caught me off guard. I think her growing up so quickly has done the same thing.
And the last thing of interest for today is that Jason and I looked at a housefor sale. A big beautiful house in the next neighborhood over... I think one of us might have caught the fever, only I seem to be feeling fine! :)

Just Another Wednesday

Today I got up to two happy children. The day started out by my sweet daughter offering to make me a bagel. And with a start like that I should have known it would be a great day. Once breakfast commenced we moved on to school. I got to snuggle with with each of my children, in turn, and read out of varies books with settings scattered around the world and characters we would love to be friends with (and actually feel as if we are.) After some math that required little help from their slightly numerically-phobic mother and a list of spelling words amongst other assignments, we had lunch. I had a roast beef sandwich with corn chips and hummus. Yes, I've turned into a corn-chip-and-hummus-kind-of-girl and I have to say, I've never looked back... regular chips and dip can not compare! After our vittles we dropped Kate at school and Riley and I rode our bikes for an hour around our new neighbor and beyond. We stopped by the local gas station and enjoyed cold beverages while sitting out on in the brisk November sunshine. He was so impressed that one could go beyond the "street in front of our house" on one's bike. The joy and admiration simply radiated from that sweet little face of his, which of in turn, of course, made me feel happy, admired and radiant too. He asked if tomorrow we could go in the opposite direction to the local grocery store. I told him only tomorrow can answer that question. After our return I made dinner for my family while listing to C.S.Lewis spell out the virtues my faith in Mere Christianity which is a W O N D E R F U L (audio) Book. (This is my second time through it.) After dinner and dishes we relaxed a little while I took some time to "play" with pictures on the computer. Then the kids were off to bed and I happen to notice just how good my husbands new deodorant was still smelling after such a long day for him... and so ... well... he is off sleeping and I am up am feeling very grateful for
just another Wednesday.