Friday, December 12, 2008

For Miss R

So Kate is on the phone with her best friend and is describing this picture that I described as "a little too pretty for an 11 year old." I thought I would post it so Miss R can see what Kate is talking about ... we sure do miss you guys! P.S. This was from Halloween if your wondering about the outfit!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Thoughts

Honestly, I'm feeling a little blah.... a little overwhelmed at the things I have set myself up to do. A little tired (did I mention I've partially given up caffeine ~ more to come on this.) And a little disillusioned. Wondering if I am ever going to do the things I plan to do... However, rather than focusing on these I've decided to make a list of things that make me happy... because, after all, doesn't thinking happy thoughts give hope and hope lead to a life of energy and purpose... think big, start small... that is what I always say!
  • a good book (audio books count too!)
  • the smell of Biolage shampoo and conditioner
  • looking at beautiful things, flowers, painting, Riley's eyelashes
  • Deb's phone calls and now visits
  • the person Kate is shaping up to be, she really is growing up
  • the smell of fresh baked cooking
  • that feeling I get when I've been exercising awhile and I can feel my body getting stronger
  • learning something that makes something else I know (but don't understand) make sense
  • Jason's kisses
  • the feeling of baby girl's face right up against my cheek... I get all that softness and smell at the same time
  • feeling totally connected to God
  • the snow on the mountains
  • my camera
  • the day Abby arrives
  • clean house
  • feeling really connected to people
  • when the kids turn off the tv and get creative

I'm sure I could go on and on but Riley and I have to read....I'm still feeling tired but at least now I'm's a start!

Friday, November 21, 2008

A teary windy house of nails...

Several things happened today. We had this huge windstorm that came from nowhere... and it also happened to be recycling/trash day. So the good news was that trash had already been picked up. The bad -- the recycling had not. So our street was lined with knocked over trash cans and tons of last weeks flyers spiraling through the air. So sweet Uncle Richard went out to try and pick his contribution to the mess. Only, the wind had not died down and so it was a bit of a losing battle. And by this point the kinder has seen what he was up to and quickly turned it into a game of "grab the trash." It was a comical sight to see little Miss Dani running down the street trying to get his piece of paper that was perpetually out of her reach... comical enough I felt the need to get out my camera...
And after the recycling storm I took Kate to get her nails done... why you ask? Because she has her first school dance tomorrow. How, you ask, does this mommy feel about that? Well when she came home last week all giddy and excited and announced the upcoming dance I cried. It was just a wetting of the eyes and she didn't even see...but her announcement and her excitement caught me off guard. I think her growing up so quickly has done the same thing.
And the last thing of interest for today is that Jason and I looked at a housefor sale. A big beautiful house in the next neighborhood over... I think one of us might have caught the fever, only I seem to be feeling fine! :)

Just Another Wednesday

Today I got up to two happy children. The day started out by my sweet daughter offering to make me a bagel. And with a start like that I should have known it would be a great day. Once breakfast commenced we moved on to school. I got to snuggle with with each of my children, in turn, and read out of varies books with settings scattered around the world and characters we would love to be friends with (and actually feel as if we are.) After some math that required little help from their slightly numerically-phobic mother and a list of spelling words amongst other assignments, we had lunch. I had a roast beef sandwich with corn chips and hummus. Yes, I've turned into a corn-chip-and-hummus-kind-of-girl and I have to say, I've never looked back... regular chips and dip can not compare! After our vittles we dropped Kate at school and Riley and I rode our bikes for an hour around our new neighbor and beyond. We stopped by the local gas station and enjoyed cold beverages while sitting out on in the brisk November sunshine. He was so impressed that one could go beyond the "street in front of our house" on one's bike. The joy and admiration simply radiated from that sweet little face of his, which of in turn, of course, made me feel happy, admired and radiant too. He asked if tomorrow we could go in the opposite direction to the local grocery store. I told him only tomorrow can answer that question. After our return I made dinner for my family while listing to C.S.Lewis spell out the virtues my faith in Mere Christianity which is a W O N D E R F U L (audio) Book. (This is my second time through it.) After dinner and dishes we relaxed a little while I took some time to "play" with pictures on the computer. Then the kids were off to bed and I happen to notice just how good my husbands new deodorant was still smelling after such a long day for him... and so ... well... he is off sleeping and I am up am feeling very grateful for
just another Wednesday.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hmm... think about it

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
I totally stole this from someone else's blog but I get the feeling they won't mind..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ridin' Fun in the November Sun

We finished up our school and headed outside for some fresh air. Thankfully Scott wanted to ride too... I think this is just the thing Riley has been needing. For the past week or so he has been getting himself into lots of trouble. It's as if his little mouth and body move faster than his noggin' and it gets him a little too much time in time out... so I've been trying to get him more exercise... because I whole heartily believe exercise and behavior go hand in hand... so ride on buddy... ride on...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just Me and My Dad

Just me and My Dad went to Wendy's ... he even let me get a Frosty!
Then Me and My Dad went to Toys R Us. When I grow up I want to work at Toys R Us. I'm pretty sure my Dad enjoyed looking as much as I did.
Just me and My Dad looked at all the Star Wars Toys.
The other stuff is OK but Star Wars is the Best...just ask me or my Dad.
Then just me and my Dad talked about who the best characters are...
Just me and My Dad... what a great evening.... and well, I guess, my Mom was there too ~ but only to take pictures.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My New BellaDonna Bag

I got my new bag in the mail today... oooh my life is too cute... I ordered a wallet and makeup bag too that all match... thanks so much Miss. T and Miss M....
I've realized as I post these pictures... it's not just the bag... it is that it is handmade. I have a sickness for all things hand made...
For example... I never cared for Polish Pottery until I went to Poland. All it took was for me to see those artisans working their craft and I was totally hooked. Now my kitchen is full of the stuff. I love hand-made quilts, potholders, scarves, gloves, clothing and of course scrapbook pages. Just knowing that someone put "themself" into their project makes me love it all the more.
Homeschooling can be a real challenge.... but sometimes when you (that is me... no, it should be I) when I get to use some of my scrapbooking toys and feel incredibly productive while working on homeschool projects it feels a lot less challenging and more like P - L - A - Y! I can not get over the color of the sky here. It is the most yummy color in the mornings and evenings. Every evening, regardless of what type of weather there was during the day... the sky gets this warm beautiful tone to it. It has me thinking about taking portraits again... outdoor portraits with lots of bokeh and honey tones. I know I still have a while before I do, but it certainly has me thinking ... Jason and I worked on the house this weekend. We are slowly but surly checking off the things we want to get done. One day I will go around the house with my camera and do an entire blog entry about my house that is slowly becoming our home... one thing I did do this weekend was hang up this beautiful hand blown glass ball that my friends from TOPS gave me on my last night there. It looks wonderful with all that yummy light shining through it.

Hallowen (Our first Family Holiday with the Wilson's)

First we did school which the kids thought was just awful because all the public school kids got the day off. Then we curled hair (or more correctly, Aunt Debbie curled hair as I set up the studio.) Next, I got to take pictures and everyone ohhhed and ahhhhed over my fun equipment... we rushed rushed rushed only to figure out that the big even didn't really start until after dark. This worked well as both Daddies worked later than expected...and then we were off.... you should see the stash these kids got.... the weather was perfect... the sunset beautiful and the entire day amazing... it is a charmed life I live!! the whole crew goofin' around
watch out Aunt Dee mommy's little angel super stealth ninja guy!
sneaking candy almost before we got started!
the neighbor's dog was even dressed up!
who could pass up this tree?
super soldier fueled by high-fructose corn syrup
our first family holiday!
and our new neighborhood

Friday, November 7, 2008

Miss Laci-Kay Marie

I felt this one needed it's own post...

A mini-update

And of course we got here about a month ago. Four days after our arrival my sister went into labor with her 3rd baby. We were all so anxious because we didn't know if it was a boy or girl.... here was what we found out later that night...
Laci-Kay Marie
7 pounds 12 ou
Just as beautiful as can be....
And here are some of the pictures from the first few weeks we were here... they are not in order but you get the idea...
My Dad and Chris were here for the birth of the baby so we got to celebrate Dad's birthday while he was here... Celebrating Dad (Grandpa Lee's) Birthday Scott and Richard at Boyscouts
Deb, Abby and Laci-Kay Kate and Riley getting in on the snuggle activity
Abby got to come up for the weekend! It was great to see her and for her to see the baby!
These pictures are from the hospital...
One day old!
Proud Grandma Chris
Me and my sis... it was a long and beautiful night! This was taken around 3am... not bad for three am huh?
Minutes old!
Miss Dani thinks Abby is the best
And we do too! :)

English Tea

As my weeks were growing short in England my friends heard rumor that I had NOT in the 2 1/2 years of living there, had NOT been to tea. They wanted no part of this and arranged to show me an afternoon of tea in my beloved Bury St Edmunds.
It was such a treat and I wondered why I had not done this much earlier in my time there. And look at all these goodies. The most wonderful finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and dessert...
Harriets ~ about as English as it gets!
After we decided to walk around the gardens and take some pictures...imagine ME taking pictures... Miss M had this tiny little tripod that by a pure miracle held my camera up.
And at some point the sugar from lunch kicked in.... hmmm!
The plan was for some type of Charlie's Angels pose. Only I fell over (yep, that's me rolling around in the grass) and got so tickled I couldn't get up.
So we tried again. Notice how they put me in the back where I couldn't cause and more trouble!! Miss you guys!!