Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hallowen (Our first Family Holiday with the Wilson's)

First we did school which the kids thought was just awful because all the public school kids got the day off. Then we curled hair (or more correctly, Aunt Debbie curled hair as I set up the studio.) Next, I got to take pictures and everyone ohhhed and ahhhhed over my fun equipment... we rushed rushed rushed only to figure out that the big even didn't really start until after dark. This worked well as both Daddies worked later than expected...and then we were off.... you should see the stash these kids got.... the weather was perfect... the sunset beautiful and the entire day amazing... it is a charmed life I live!! the whole crew goofin' around
watch out Aunt Dee mommy's little angel super stealth ninja guy!
sneaking candy almost before we got started!
the neighbor's dog was even dressed up!
who could pass up this tree?
super soldier fueled by high-fructose corn syrup
our first family holiday!
and our new neighborhood

1 comment:

Mitchell 5 Family said...

WOW, when did Kate turn into a woman overnight?

Halloween here was so bitterly cold. It was awful!!

funny pic of Jason!!! And Momma, you are going to have to start fighting off those girls from Riley :)